luni, 11 ianuarie 2010

Winter Wonderland - Dashing through the snow

After the crazy party we had on the new year, we thought that to much eating and drinking is really too much. So we took our fighting snowballs and sleighing costumes, took the kids (Andra and Andrei) and went to Suior to spend a wonderful afternoon in the snow, like we used to to when we were little. 








Imi miroase a ... iarna! Este expresia mea preferata! Inca din noiembrie cand incepe sa scada temperatura vertiginos spre zero, si cosurile caselor incep sa fumege, nu contenesc sa exclam: imi miroase a iarna! Imi aduce aminte de perioada copilariei cand stateam la bunici si faceam focul in soba, mancam mere coapte si cozonaci aburinzi. Ori de cate ori simt miros de foc de soba, mere coapte, cozonaci cu nuca si vin fiert, imi miroase a iarna. Imi mai miroase a iarna cand imi ingheata nasul de primul fulg de nea, cand impodobesc bradul sau cand mananc mere glazurate, cand gerul imi zgaraie obrajii iar eu incalec sania si strig 'partieeeeee!'

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