joi, 12 noiembrie 2009

200 going forward ...

This is my 200th blog post !!

I was shocked to discover yesterday that this is to be my 200th blog post. Wow! It's been a year since I started Beau Bazar, and I really appreciate the awesome support and feedback that you guys gave me!

It all started when I decided to have my own playground. As the blog description itself says, it is a repository of fashion, perspectives, moods and ideas. It is about all and nothing, it is about things I love, things I do, clothes I wear, people I admire, music I hear and fashion I pine for.

This is how my blog traffic grew since November last year. This chart is a proof that what I do is good, what I write is interesting, what I pine for is shared by you, and this is the reason I keep on posting.

I was more than happy to share with you special moments of my life, birthdays, trips and holidays, my wedding, my honeymoon and more to come. I made friends and discovered great blogs worldwide and great people behind the keyboard that I admire for different reasons, and follow as much as I can. Overall, having Beau Bazar is part of my life and I enjoy it plenty!

Thank you for hanging out around here!


Later post: (by the end of this month)

 Thank you!


Un comentariu:

Unknown spunea...

Congratulations!!!! keep up the good work and I'll keep following you. kiss kiss :)