vineri, 31 iulie 2009

Cine nu are blog sa isi faca...

Cine ar fi crezut ca Principele Radu al Romaniei are site ?!
Ei bine, eu nu!

Dar spre marea mea surprindere se pare ca are. Nu am avut curiozitatea sa vad ce scrie, daca scrie, daca e ceva interesant de citi. Daca nu e site de moda nu e interesant! :))) Desi am gasit cateva poze cu tinute interesante de gala, de la diverse evenimente la care a participat familia princiara.

A! Acum stiu. Tocmai am vazut. Candideaza la presedintie....
Asta explica tot!

joi, 30 iulie 2009

Scarlett Johansson - the new MANGO girl

Holy High Heels and Tousled Hair!

Scarlett Johansson goes ’80s punk in the newly-released Fall/Winter ad campaign for Spanish fashion house Mango. The Hollywood “It” Girl replaces Oscar-winning actress Penelope Cruz.

I really liked Penelope and Mango making a team. Her retro, bohemian style was so inspiring and feminine. Mango was always my first choice these last four seasons and even earlier when Bianca Balti was the Mango girl, or Mila. I hope I can say the same after the new collection, considering that Scarlet is not one of my favorites.

But then again, although the brand promoter has a huge role, influence and impact on people's choices, still, you wear the clothes, you feel confident with the brand and not with one's image.

luni, 27 iulie 2009

Traditii de nunta

Intrucat se apropie tot mai mult ziua cea mare, petrec tot mai mult timp pe internet, pe site-uri de profil, in cautare in informatii utile, idei pentru decolatiuni, combinatii de culori, flori si marturii si asa mai departe. Am gasit cateva explicatii pentru anumite traditii de nunta. Mi s-au parut foarte interesante si m-am gandit sa vi le impartasesc si voua.

Marsul Nuptial

Obiceiul dateaza din 1858, din timpul nuntii regale a printesei Victoria a Marii Britanii cu printul Frederick William al Prusiei. Aceasta a fost cea care a ales muzica pentru propria-i nunta. Ea aprecia lucrarile lui Mendelssohn si le venera pe cele ale lui Wagner. Foarte curand, miresele de toate categoriile din Marea Britanie adoptasera acest mars pentru nunta, instaurand o traditie a nuntilor din vest.

Domnisoarele si Cavalerii de onoare

Acest obicei dateaza din timpul anglo-saxonilor. Pentru a fura mireasa, mirele avea nevoie de ajutorul prietenilor, cei care erau numiti cavalerii mirelui. Ei se asigurau ca mireasa sa ajunga la biserica si apoi acasa la mire. De asemenea, mireasa era si ea ajutata de asa-numitele domnisoarele miresei.

Deseori erau inclusi si copii in ceremonie, ca un simbol al inocentei.

Unirea mainilor drepte

Mana dreapta simbolizeaza putere, resurse si scop. Unirea mainii drepte a mirilor inseamna ca cei doi se pot baza unul pe celalalt si ca amandoi pot conta pe resursele pe care fiecare le-a adus in casatorie. De asemenea, acest obicei reprezinta uniunea a doua vieti intr-una singura.


Verigheta reprezinta promisiunea dragostei eterne, atat din partea mirelui, cat si din partea miresei.

Verigheta se pune pe al patrulea deget de pe mana dreapta, deoarece se considera ca acest deget facea legatura directa cu inima, fiind simbolul dragostei eterne si al devotamentului.

Primul sarut

Datand din timpurile Romane, sarutul reprezinta legatura legala dintre miri, este cel care sigileaza toate contactele.

Nici o ceremonie nu era completa fara sarut.De fapt, era o perioada cand logodna era nula fara acest sarut.

Florile de nunta si aruncarea buchetului

Florile reprezinta fertilitate, puritate, o viata noua si dragoste fara sfarsit.

Aruncarea buchetului isi are originile in Anglia.Se credea ca mireasa poate transmite norocul sau si celorlalti nuntasi. Astfel, acestia incercau sa rupa bucati din rochia sau florile miresei. In incercarea de a scapa, aceasta isi arunca buchetul in multime. Traditia spune ca femeia necasatorita, care reusea sa prinda buchetul, era cea care primea norocul miresei si urmatoarea care se marita.

Aruncarea orezului si a florilor

Acest obicei se traduce prin dorinta nuntasilor ca mirii sa aiba o viata roditoare si implinita impreuna. Orezul aruncat peste cei doi reprezinta speranta de fertilitate.

Mirele trece pragul casei mireasa

Una dintre explicatii este aceea de a proteja mireasa de spiritele rele, care-i asteptau sub pragul usii.

O alta explicatie dateaza din timpurile romane. Atunci se credea ca, daca mireasa se impiedica la intrarea in noua casa, purta ghinion casatoriei.

duminică, 26 iulie 2009

It's the season...

Summer is the season for barbecues. Cool summer nights are perfect for spending time with friends and family around the fire and the tasty barbecue dishes. I love sunsets. And I love gathering before sunset, and sit outside and admire the wonderful colors the sun and the sky embrace. I also love the colors the sun and the fire make on people faces and the translucent flowers after the short summer rains.

There are endless ideas for barbecue parties, and for barbecue recipes that are sure to keep you and your taste-buds screaming for more.

Cooking outdoors with a barbecue can be very innovative, from making your own, using a simple DIY barbecue grill, to much more elaborate systems, all using a variety of fuels such as wood, charcoal, electric, natural gas or propane.

You can liven up your barbecue party with party games and great music, whilst fabulous garden decor and stylish touches can add to the overall ambiance.

There’s something about barbecued food that appeals to both adults and children alike. No matter what the weather, rain or shine (fingers crossed it’s a sunny day!) you can make your barbecue party a fun family and friends filled day.

So with regards to the aesthetics, there is so much you can do to make the day extra special:

1. Outdoor lighting: Adds a completely new dimension to any garden party, especially if you are planning to party the night away into the early hours of the next day!

2. Providing some form of shelter from the sunshine is always a good idea. Also with a view to this, you may want to provide a few bottle of high factor sun scream also!

3. On to the topic of Garden Furniture: It can be tricky to find enough matching furniture and bringing your sofas out into the garden is not easy or practical!

4. Therefore, it may be a good idea to pop down to your local pound shop, charity shops or even ask your next-door neighborough for some mix-n-match style garden furniture.

5. Remember it looks more rustic and keeping in theme with the BBQ concept if you have mismatching furniture, plates and cutlery.

6. Finish off the rustic look by laying out some lovely statement table cloths, beautiful flower arrangements and quirky napkins and cutlery.

7. Make sure you have enough food and drink to last the day

8. Providing some rugs for the grass and shawls to keep guests warm later in the evening, is always considerate.

9. The last of our handy tips, is to have some kind of ‘rain plan’. I.e. a quick escape route for your guests if the heavens open!

With these little tips you can’t go wrong. After all, BBQ’s are meant to be quick and easy and full of fun, therefore try not to sweat about the minor details and enjoy the day!!

credit for the bbq tips:

joi, 23 iulie 2009

Be feminine! Wear dress!

Rochia perfecta este unica, la fel ca persoana care ii accepta imbratisarea.

Nu putine sunt rochiile care au facut istorie, starnind pasiuni fatale, sucind mintile milionarilor si ale publicului despartit de granite geografice si culturale.

Nimic nu poarta amprenta rafinata a feminitatii ca rochia perfecta, cea care imbraca suav formele, cucereste din atingeri satinate si promite nopti arzatoare. Rochia ideala simbolizeaza toate atributele unei femei perfecte: putere, eleganta, mister, dorinta. Imbratisata in caldura ei, atragi privirile tuturor, oriunde ai fi. Nu locul conteaza, ci privelistea feminitatii absolute, care ii transforma pe privitori in admiratori neconditionati.

luni, 20 iulie 2009

Around the City

There's a place in Timisoara, in Unirii Square where they make the most delicious and toothsome pizza I have ever eatten. We go there a lot, on romantic dinners or with friends. Not to mention that you have a full view of the square and the people passing by (like rich people do it in Monaco ;) and sometimes, in the weekends you can even enjoy a concert.

We are totaly hading there after work as I am starving and after writing this post I am more in love with the place and more anctios to swallow one up.

miercuri, 15 iulie 2009


The September 2007 issue of Vogue magazine weighed nearly five pounds, almost 2 and a half kilos, and was the single largest issue of a magazine ever published. With unprecedented access, The September Issue, directed and produced by R.J. Cutler, tells the story of legendary Vogue editor in chief Anna Wintour and her larger-than-life team of editors creating the issue and ruling the world of fashion.

The documentary was filmed in 2007, and the September cover girl was Sienna Miller, The September Issue won the Grand Jury Prize for Excellence in Cinematography at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival.

Anna Wintour, editor of Vogue for 20 years, is the most powerful and polarizing figure in fashion. Larger than life and more complex than fiction, Wintour embodies a fascinating contradiction of passion and perfectionism as she reigns over a dizzying array of designers, models, photographers, and editors.

Director R.J. Cutler delivers a rare insider account of the nine months leading up to the printing of the highly anticipated September issue of the magazine, which promises to be the biggest one ever. He takes us behind the scenes at fashion week, to Europe and back, on shoots and reshoots, and into closed-door staff meetings, bearing witness to an arduous and sometimes emotionally demanding process.

At the eye of this annual fashion hurricane is the two-decade relationship between Wintour and Grace Coddington, incomparable creative director and genius stylist. They are perfectly matched for this age-old conflict between creator and curator. Through them, we see close up the delicate creative chemistry it takes to remain at the top of the ever-changing fashion field. Cutler cleverly deconstructs the creative process as it plays out in the hollowed halls of Vogue, lined with racks of couture. In The September Issue, his access and insight are impressive and make us aware that he is offering us a privileged glimpse into a world many dream about but few see.


miercuri, 8 iulie 2009


I L.O.V.E outdoor seating. What can be more relaxing than sitting outside with a good book or a magazine, enjoying summer with a ice-cold limonade by your side?! A green oasis is a place with endless possibilities. You can have friends over, have a picnic in the back yard, enjoy the sun in your own privecy, have a romantic dinner under the stars, have a family dinner on a perfect summer night.

photo source: