vineri, 19 august 2011

Involtino din piept de pui

  • 1. Cu un cutit se taie pieptul de pui pe jumatate pe lungime fara se se desprinda una de cealalta, se bate pieptul de pui cu un ciocan de snitele pana devine o masa uniforma, se condimenteaza cu sare si piper 
  • 2. Sunca presata si mozzarele (cascaval) se taie betisoare si se pun in centrul pieptului de pui
  • 3. Dovlecelul se taie la randul lui betisoare si se aduga pe piept, morcovul se fierbe inainte de a fi adaugat avand un puct de coacere mai indelungat dupa care se adauga la randul lui pentru culoare, cu cat mai multa culoare in mancare cu atat mai mult gust.
  • 4. Busuiocul se rupe si se pune si el la randul lui pentru gust. Puiul se strange se face rulou cu mare grija si se prinde in scobitori se condimenteaza cu sare piper si cimbru.
  • 5. Pe un gratar incins se aduga puiul si se da fata de gratar pe fiecare parte, se introduce in cuptor la o temperatura de 200 de grade 12 minute, se serveste cald pe farfurie taiat rondele.
  • 6. Pofta buna

Hmmmmm... yumy! It looks delicious! This will be my weekend treat!
I wish you all the most delightful weekend!

vineri, 12 august 2011

miercuri, 10 august 2011

If I would have to wear glasses

Can you picture me wearing glasses?  I barely can. But if I would have to, this is what I would definitely wear without hesitation.

Go on, laugh! I had that reaction, too. But after a closer look you will come to my conclusion. They are not that bad, nor geeky, after all!

luni, 8 august 2011

Tribute to Elizabeth Taylor - Vogue September Issue

Dying for the September issues of this year? Well here is just another reason to continue counting down the minutes. The upcoming September issue of Vogue Magazine will not only showcase hundreds of pages of fabulous and fierce fashion, but this year the mag is said to be featuring a 72-page dedication to the late Elizabeth Taylor; a Hollywood icon that will forever have an influence on the world of fashion.

A style icon, a muse and a Hollywood legend, Taylor was admired worldwide. With a penchant for elegance and an indulgence for diamonds, the 8-times married starlet was used to being the centre of attention. Taking pride of place as the main inspiration for V’s ‘heroes’ themed issue, we’re expecting drama, glamour and a whole lot of luxury.

The issue's theme for September is "Heroes" and it is no suprise that Liz Taylor is one of the heroines of choice. She captivated thousands of audiences with her beauty and played muse to artists of all types.  Yet the big question is, who is the team behind such momentous dedication? Look no futher than world renowned photographer Mario Testino and the highly influential Carine Roitfeld; a match made in editorial heaven! There couldnt be a more more dynamic duo for such a project and I for one cannot wait to get my hands on a copy of issue.


joi, 4 august 2011

Ai 2 iubite

Olanda: Ai doua iubite. Te poti insura cu amandoua. Ele se pot casatori intre ele.

Moldova: Ai doua iubite. Di la tini si audi galseava asheia in fiecari noapti mai omule?

Rusia: Ai doua iubite. Stalinskaya si Maskovskaya.

Pakistan: Ai doua iubite. Cea mai varstnica are 6 ani..

India: Ai doua iubite. Buddha nu stie nimic..

Turcia: Ai doua iubite.. Una iti face mancare, una iti spala rufele, una iti calca hainele si una le supravegheaza pe celelalte. Chiar vroiai sa te credem ca ai numai doua iubite?

China: Ai doua iubite. Din cateva miliarde de motive.

Bulgaria: Ai doua iubite. Pe una o cheama Sofia. Cealalta te intreaba: “unde ai fost?” Tu raspunzi: – “la Sofia!” – si uite-asa esti in deplina siguranta…

Germania: Ai doua iubite.. Ambele blonde.

Mexic: Ai doua iubite. Vin hotii si fura jumatate. Iti mai da vecinul una. Imprumuti trei din barul de vis-a-vis. Vecinul isi ia partea inapoi. Cate ti-au mai ramas?

Anglia: Ai doua iubite. Absolut superbe. Iar ai baut prea mult..

SUA: Ai doua iubite. Una pe Facebook si una pe Myspace. Nu le-ai vazut niciodata…

Brazilia: Ai doua iubite. Rosaria Fiorella Andrea Luiza Esmeralda Carla
Vittoria Alessandra del Campo – si inca una.

Dubai: Ai doua iubite. Placate cu aur.

Cuba: Ai doua iubite. Nu esti deloc Fidel…

Suedia: Ai doua iubite. In IKEA chiar gasesti orice…

Spania: Ai doua iubite. Mai tarziu descoperi ca ele sunt de fapt surori. Putin mai tarziu afli ca tu esti chiar fratele lor mort la nastere. Mai ai un frate geaman desmostenit de catre soacra portarului, care portar nu-si mai aduce aminte nimic din copilarie. Viata ta e mai ceva ca o telenovela…

Grecia: Ai doua iubite. Vecinul se cam da la una din ele. Dimineata te trezesti cu un cal mare de lemn in fata casei. Mai bine fugi!

luni, 1 august 2011

Penelope Cruz - V magazine

Penélope Cruz covers 'V' Magazine, the fall 2011 'Transformation Issue' and talks motherhood, career, choosing her roles, and her 'Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides' co-star, Johnny Depp. 

Despite her celebrity, Cruz doesn't see herself as an icon. "I feel like an actress who is very fortunate to get work with continuity, to get opportunities to make a living from the job that I love so much. Everything else is an extra that I couldn’t have dreamed about. When I was growing up it was just about, 'Please, God, I don’t want to be locked in an office doing a job that is not creative in any way, that would make me feel like a prisoner,'" she says.

Penélope Cruz Covers V Magazine

Fascinated by human behavior, Cruz says that, "Something happens that is really addictive about the investigation. It’s a beautiful thing. You can go into a different state when you are portraying somebody. I cannot say that that has happened to me in every movie, but it has happened a few times when you feel a lot of freedom and there is no self-criticism. A part of you becomes almost obsessed with that other being. That is the feeling that I look for." 

Penélope Cruz Covers V Magazine