sâmbătă, 29 august 2009

On the road again....

Life's an open road, and time is flying by
We're headed out to where forever meets the sky...

(Lately, weekends are mostly about hitting the road for wedding arrangements. I am looking forward to just lying and doing nothing at all in the most perfect honeymoon.)

vineri, 28 august 2009

3. The Bouquet

I've been a little bit lazy with the wedding posts lately. The clock is ticking faster now and almost all details are set and ready for the big day.

Today I have decided to write the post about the bouquet. The flowers are all part of the entire event. Usually the flowers are being chosen according to the season and the wedding theme or the color chosen for the decorations.

Flowers were incorporated into the ceremony because they represent fertility, purity, new life and never ending love. Traditionally, bouquets were a mixture of flowers and herbs.

The carrying of flowers by the bride has its roots in ancient times when it was believed that strong smelling herbs and spices would ward off and drive away evil spirits, bad luck and ill health. Garlic and chives were also popular for the same reason. During Roman times, this tradition was extended, with the bride and groom wearing floral garlands signifying new life and hope for fertility. The bouquet in particular symbolized a women in bloom.

Traditionally, the bride's bouquet is made of white flowers such as orchids, roses, lilies, gardenias, carnations, or stephanotis.

I have already decided how my bouquet will look like and I am looking forward for the day that I will throw it to my mades of honor. (Tossing of the bridal bouquet is a custom which has its roots in England. It was believed that the bride could pass along good fortune to others.)

joi, 27 august 2009

Hot Looks for Hell Hot Summer

I don't know how you manage to go through with this heat, but for me it's been a really painful experience, beside all the sunbathing and escaping from the city. It's been hotter than hell last weekend!

Now that I had to let my hair grow longer, it's been a crazy thing with doing all kinds of hair-do-s. I like Jessica's relaxed attitude, Nicole's boho style and Kate's vintage look, but I have to admit that most of the times I let my hair flow on my shoulders because I'm a bit clumsy and some hair-do-s are too complicated for me ;).

foto source: elle.com

miercuri, 26 august 2009

Pontonul, Lansarea DBD si Platoul cu fructe

Pontonul, Lansarea DBD si Platoul de fructe au fost personajele principale weekendul trecut. Intr-un peisaj superb, un soare numai bun de relaxare si o adiere cum de mult ravneam, pontonul a gazduit lumea evadata din urbele fierbinti si lansarea noii colectii a Dianei Bobar cu accesorii Josephine.

A fost un weekend minunat din mai multe puncte de vedere. Ne-am incarcat bateriile stand la soare, mancand delicioase si racoroase platouri de fructe si admirand rochii vaporoase de vacanta si bijuterii unicat. Seara s-a lasat lunga, zgomotoasa, rece si cu dorinte la 4 stele cazatoare (record personal). De mult nu am mai vazut un cer atat de plin de stele si infinit fascinant.

marți, 25 august 2009

A paradise my garden is

I have this thing with flowers in hair, braids and boho style. I have all kinds of hair flower pins and I just can't get enough of them and looking for new ideas.

vineri, 21 august 2009

The Wedding Party

Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God to join together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony; which is an honourable estate, instituted of God in Paradise, and into which holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined. Therefore if any man can shew any just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, by God's Law, or the Laws of the Realm; let him now speak, or else hereafter forever hold his peace.

The wedding party as seen in the June issue of Vogue US.

miercuri, 19 august 2009

Amprenta de Designer

Fiecare designer incearca ca fie unic in felul lui. E adevarat ca exista cateva trenduri generale lansate de marile case de moda pe care toti ceilalti trebuie sa le urmeze pentru a rezista in lupta continua a acapararii unui cat mai mare segment de piata, dar la fel de adevarat este ca exista designeri care se incapataneaza sa creeze conform tendintelor si prefera sa urmeze propriile trenduri, sa se adreseze unei nise foarte mici de piata, ajungand de multe ori sa dezvolte adevarate isterii.

Mi-a placut foarte mult pictorialul realizat de Vogue Paris de luna aceasta in care marile sau putin mai micile case de moda sunt personalizate prin amprenta si ineditul pe care l-au realizat de-a lungul timpului sau in ultimele colectii.

Exista foarte putini creatori care au reusit sa construiasca un imperiu in moda si il conduca in continuare (exemple ar fi: dolce e gabana, stella mccartney, carollina herrera, prada, valentino si inca 2-3). Nume precum Chanel, Dior, Burberry, Valentino etc din diverse motive lasa partea de creatie designerilor mai tineri. Cu toate acestea exista anumite articole vestimentare (cum ar fi tranch-ul Burberry sau little black dress sau taiorul Chanel sau rochia rosie Valentino) care au rezistat de-a lungul deceniilor continuand sa reprezinte amprenta creatorului sau a casei care a lansat-o.

foto source: vogue paris