miercuri, 5 august 2009

1. The dress

As I told you in a previous post, for my fiancee and I, the big day is getting closer and closer with every hour passing. I have decided to share some of my research and documentation through the internet and write a post about each element and detail that a bride and groom must consider for their wedding to be a special and unique one.

The first known white wedding dress was worn in 1499 by Anne of Brittany, for her marriage to Louis XII of France. Until that time, women simply wore their best dress, often yellow or red in color. In biblical times, most dresses were blue because blue symbolized purity.

Since early Roman times, white symbolized a joyful celebration. In the twentieth century white stood for purity. Today it is a symbol of happiness.

From my point of view choosing the dress for the wedding is the most difficult thing of all.
This day is supposed to be wonderful and special and as a bride (and groom) you want this day to be really a remarkable one in every aspect. The dress, along with the bouquet, the hairdo, the make-up and the jewelery are the defining items for the bride.

There are so many and so beautiful dresses, handmade, designer made, white, ivory, long short, classy, chic, and nevertheless fabulous.

It is hard to know what you want, what is appropriate for you, what suits you the best and what is in harmony with your personal style and personality. It should also be in harmony with the groom's suit, with the place, the season and the wedding as a whole.

3 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

Incerc sa mi te imaginez cu pasarea aia in cap... :)

Beau Bazar spunea...

:)))) si reusesti?

Anonim spunea...

:) Deloc!!!