Hey lovelies! I finally got all the pictures together so I can share with you the wonderful vacation my friends and I took a couple of weeks ago. The location was Bad Hofgastein, in Austria and we had the most wonderful time ever! Sunny days, sparkling snow, no wind at all, perfect slopes and the eager to have as much fun as we can.
In Gastein, relaxation and wellbeing come naturally. The skiing, mountains and Gastein’s Alpen Therme create a unique ambience.
In addition to the 250 km of pistes (reaching as high as 2700m in the area of Sportgastein) Bad Hofgastein also offers one of Europe's most exclusive and extensive thermal spas, the Alpentherme (Six adventure and vitality worlds spread out over 32,000 square meters, featuring a unique 360 degree panoramic view of the Alps, a sauna world with a mountain lake, leisure and wellness areas, a multimedia adventure dome, thrilling water slides, geysers and a glassed-in sky bar).
This was the first year for me as a full time skier and I have to say that this sport is not that easy as it seams. It was hard at first but got really fun and easy by the end. All you have to do is to want to learn and get on your ski as soon as you hit the ground.
2 comentarii:
descrierea statiunii pare copiata ( ceea ce nu este o critica), dar m-ar interesat mmai mult o parere personala ca de la turist la turist. ai fost la apele termale? cum e scump , frumos, se merita?
nu de alta dar la vara mergem la punta cana datorita postului tau:)
da...partea de descriere a statiunii e copiata, recunosc. Erau prea multe detalii pe care nu le-am tinut minte si am preferat sa nu dezinformez...
Sincer, e foarte frumos. Am fost si la apele termale. E foarte frumos. A costat vreo 51 de euro pt noi 2, toata ziua, cu toate incluse (bazine, saune, topogane, tot) Parcarea e gratuita. O platesti, duci bonul la receptia termelor si ti se scade din bilet. Plus o reducere de 2-3 euro/pers daca sunteti cazati in Badhofgestei (daca nu va intreaba sa le spuneti voi si primiti reducere)
ce sa iti mai povestesc...?! Au tot felul de saune dar sunt unisex si toata lumea e in pielea goala. Daca nu sunteti pudici va recomand cu caldura. E super tare! :)))
Daca va dati pe topogane sa va luati colaci din aia uriasi... e mult mai faina senzatia... decat fara!
Cat despre ski, partiile sunt super tari. Iar daca nu stiti sa skiati prea bine va recomand partia Angertal pt prima zi sa va dati drumul. Altfel sunt destul de multe albastre sus cu plecare din Badhogestein.
Cam asta ar fi...
Daca mai vrei detalii ti le dau cu drag! Numai sa imi zici ce curiozitati mai ai...
PS: Ma bucur enorm ca mergeti in Punta Cana. Sunt convinsa ca pozele si-au spus cuvantul dar probabil ca si entuziasmul meu s-a transmis printre cuvinte. :*
Distractie placuta acolo!
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