miercuri, 26 septembrie 2007

Plum Meyer Lemon Jam Coffee Cake

1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 cup finely ground almonds
1/4 cup sugar
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
4 Tablespoons butter
8 oz mascarpone, at room temperature
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 1/4 cups sugar
2 large eggs
2 cups all purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup sour cream
10 oz. plum lemon jam (or other)

Combine first 4 ingredients; cut in butter with a pastry blender until mixture is crumbly. Sprinkle in a greased and floured 12-cup Bundt pan; set aside.
Beat mascarpone cheese, butter and sugar at medium speed with an electric mixer until creamy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Combine flour and baking soda, add to the mascarpone cheese mixture alternately with the buttermilk and sour cream, beginning and ending with the flour mixture. Spoon half of batter into prepared pan, spoon jam over batter, being careful not to allow the jam to touch the sides of the pan, top with the remaining batter.
Bake at 350 degrees F. for about an hour or until cake tests done. Cool in pan on a wire rack for ten minutes; remove from pan, and cool on wire rack.

vineri, 21 septembrie 2007

Make-up: Evidentiaza ochii !

Se spune ca ochii sunt oglinda sufletului. Nu exista ochi 'buni' sau ochi 'rai' dar exista ochi fascinanti... Ti s-a intamplat vreodata sa privesti in ochii unei persoane si sa simti ca te hipnotizeaza? Ochii frumos conturati atrag privirile tuturor. Pentru a crea exact efectul dorit si pentru a nu cadea in extrema cealalta este foarte important sa stim sa alegem culorile care ni se potrivesc cel mai bine (in functie de culoarea ochilor nostri). Negrul este intotdeauna recomandat, in cantitati mai mari sau mai mici in functie de eveniment... insa atentie mare! este foarte important sa nu exageram! Conturati-va cat mai natural ochii si nu uitati de mascara!

Indiferent daca aveti timp sau nu de un machiaj complet cel mai important este Mascara! In ceea ce priveste buzele, acestea de preferat cat mai naturale, aplicandu-se eventual un gloss cat mai natural sau un ruj mat culoarea buzelor.

In ceea ce priveste tendintele de make-up din sezonul toamna-iarna 2007-2008, se pune accent pe nunate metalizate de olive, auriu, caramiziu sau verde. Desi vara a cam trecut, putem inca folosi farduri in nuantele marii, seducatoare si stralucitoare precum sirenele.

Marii designeri internationali urmeaza intocmai tendintele lansate de make-up artisti sau vice-versa. La Kenzo, ochii au fost accentuati cu albastru si verde metalic, la Ungaro, linia genelor a fost invaluita in albastru stralucitor iar la Donna Karen in verde argintiu.

Pentru sezonul toamna-iarna, nuantele se vor mai inchide capatand o tenta boema insa paleta de culori se va pastra in mare masura si in anotimpul rece.

joi, 20 septembrie 2007

Places I've been, Things I've seen

Croatia - Rab Island

Paris, Je t'aime !!!

Lago di Garda - Italia

Venezia - Italia

Sardegna (Castelsardo) - Italia

Vienna - Osterich
Somewhere in Croatia

Caprin - Italia
You can see the 'Faraglioni' rocks!

Fashions fade, Style is eternal!

What is fashion?
Fashion is a term that usually applies to a prevailing mode of expression, but quite often applies to a personal mode of expression that may or may not apply to all. Inherent in the term is the idea that the mode will change more quickly than the culture as a whole. The term "fashion" is frequently used in a positive sense, as a synonym for glamour and style. The term "fashion" is also sometimes used in a negative sense, as a synonym for fads, trands, and materialism.

What is Fashion and why does Style make the difference?

De cand am citit spusele unui mare designer international m-am tot gandit la ce inseamna ‘sa fi la moda’ sau ‘sa fi trebdy’ si ce inseamna 'sa fi stylish' sau ca o persoana are stil? Ce face diferenta?

Imi place sa urmaresc show-urile marilor designeri, emisiunile de profil, citesc reviste de moda, incerc sa urmez pasul modei dar niciodata nu am fost o ‘fashion victim’. Oare au uitat femeile din ziua de astazi ca nu numai hainele il fac pe om? Si ca daca omul nu ar face haina si nu i-ar da acel ‘personal touch’ am fi toti imbracati in uniforme palide….?!

Cand ma gandesc la ‘moda’ ma gandesc in general la actul de creatie, la marii designeri, la tot ce implica un ‘fashion show’, la materiale pretioase, fete frumoase si ‘glamour’; dar nu pot sa nu ma gandesc si la afacerile din spatele creatiilor, la jocul de culise si la foarte multa munca si supunere la tot ce inseamna tendinte.

Si eu cumpar haine, urmaresc tendintele din moda, dar vreau si cred ca si reusesc sa personalizez hainele conform stilului propriu. Cand ma gandesc la ‘stil’ imi vine in minte conceptul de individ creativ, capabil de a imprima acel ‘eu’, de a reda autenticitatea, simtul realitatii si personalitatea pe absolut tot ce ne inconjoara; ma gandesc la ceva unic, desi ar putea fi similar altor lucruri; ma gandesc la ceva uman, mic si pretios.

Nu e rau sa fi 'la moda', 'trendy' sau cum vreti sa ii spuneti... dar sa nu facem din asta un scop in viata! Si nu uitati: 'Fashions fade, Style is eternal!'

Fashion vs. Style

fashion is…letting retailers, designers, magazines and other large companies whose main aim is to profit set trends for you to follow.

style is…setting your own trends, following your own muse, influencing other people with your creativity and confidence.

* * *

fashion is…letting others do the thinking for you.

style is…thinking about everything. asking questions, taking chances. looking at oneself honestly. being fearless, being experimental within the construct of your own life and your own closet.

* * *

fashion is…something that changes seasonally, in a regimented way, driven by big business and the need to make you feel you need to acquire something new.

style is…something that evolves, matures, and changes over varied amounts of time, influenced and inspired by your age, gender, culture, nationality, geographic locale, interests, subculture, politics, religion, and a myriad of other factors.

* * *

fashion is…often mass produced, in multiples, not unique, not authentic.

style is…as individual and completely unique as the DNA that resides in each of us on this planet. no two people can look at the world, and by extension, the building blocks of their closet or wardrobe, in the same exact manner.

* * *

fashion is…strictly looking at the magazines/celebs/websites/whatever and copying a “look”.

style is…somewhat about doing it yourself, being creative (either making it yourself, or if you lack the dexterity, mixing what you do have in a creative, inspired manner). This relates to the individualism of style, as stated above.

* * *

fashion is…keeping up with the “trends” of the season. implying you are behind the curve instead of ahead of it.

style is…not giving a shit if there is a trend at all, or if so, following only those that make sense to you personally, considering the shape of your age, your body, your lifestyle, your likes and dislikes.


A repository of fashion, perspectives, moods and ideas