luni, 23 ianuarie 2012

Monday Wish

Have a lovely Monday after a wonderful weekend!

vineri, 20 ianuarie 2012

Golden Globes 2012 - Premiile Globurile de Aur 2012

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Festivitati precum decernarea premiilor Oscar sau Globurile de Aur sunt ocazia perfecta pentru vedetele din lumea dar mai ales de la Hollywood sa ne fascineze cu rochii de gala si bijuterii de colectie. Invitati numai unul si unul, bauturi fine, mancaruri pretentioase, barbati imbracati la patru ace si rochii create special pentru a evidentia atitudini, stiluri, frumuseti care tind spre perfectiune.

Importanta evenimentului este cu atat mai mare cu cat criticii considera Premiile Globurile de Aur barometrul pentru rezultatele de la Premiile Oscar.

Premiile Globurile de Aur (Golden Globe Awards) au reprezentat, inca din 1944, un prilej special pentru a premia cele mai bune filme si seriale rulate cu un an in urma si au ramas pana astazi adevarate parade de glamour, eleganta si lux dus la extrem. 



Pa langa fabuloasele rochii de seara, celebritatile au purtat bijuterii dintre cele mai pretioase, cu diamante, smaralde, safire, cristale si metale nobile.
Cele mai eye-catching bijuterii le-a purtat Heidi Klum, bijuterii din turquoise si diamante in timp ce Sofia Vergara a ales sa-si completeze tinuta cu cele mai scumpe bijuterii, in valoare de peste 5 mil $.


Julianne Moore a ales o pereche de cercei lungi cu smaralde si diamante in timp ce mai tinerele ei colege de breasla, Jessica Alba, Kate Beckinsale, Charlize Theron au purtat bijuterii cu diamante si cristale albe ale marilor case Chopard, Bulgari, Cartier.




miercuri, 18 ianuarie 2012

Let's ride!


I must confess I have a huge crush on bikes. I decided to go eco this new year, to spend more time around nature while kipping fit. So I started looking for bikes and found these vintage inspired beauties. I haven't decided yet wheather to choose a vintage or a more modern one. 

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vineri, 13 ianuarie 2012

Retrospective 2011 : From My Closet

If you are one of the few :) followers of my blog you probably know by now that my style is most of the times smart-casual-effortless-chic. I like to feel good in my clothes. I don't buy stretch, synthetic, uncomfortable clothes just because it's supposed to be in trends, but organic, easy to wear items with interesting, cute, chic designs. I have my style muses that I usually share monthly, I get inspired from magazines, from street style, from fashion bloggers, from brands' lookbooks, from things and people that catch my eye.
Beau Bazar is a repository of fashion, perspectives, moods and ideas... as you can notice in the title. So, it's not a blog just about fashion. I usually don't post photos of myself in a narcissist way. Although, I use to take them because it helps me remind the way I used to dress, the evolution in time, the direction my style goes and also because whenever I am short in ideas of how to dress for an event or just for going to the office I take a look on these shoots.

Lately, I have received messages from you darlings asking me to post more photos of my outfits. So there they are! Please mind that they weren't taken for the purpose of making them public and please don't mind the sets and the image quality. My old I-Phone is not the best camera in the world!