duminică, 12 septembrie 2010

1st Anniversary

We are celebrating today our first wedding anniversary. I have met my better half ten years ago and we are inseparable ever since. And please don't ask me how the time passed because Albert Einstein said it best. We have been together through good times and bad, in joy and sorrow, our love grew stronger each day passing and we are happier than ever.

All this time I have learned that it doesn't matter where you go in life, what you do or how much you have as long as you have the right person beside you.

This past year made no difference. The marriage did not change us but in a good way, made us more powerful as a couple and grew us wiser and more mindful.

"Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things"


3 comentarii:

Unknown spunea...

Felicitari !!! ...multi ani fericiti impreuna !

O zi frumoasa!

Beau Bazar spunea...

Mersi frumos Diana! Esti o draguta!

Claudia Gidea spunea...

sa fiti fericiti impreuna pana la adanci batraneti si iubirea voastra sa fie la fel de puternica! sunteti niste dragutzi si un adevarat exemplu pentru cei care ajung sa va cunoasca!va pup